Thursday, March 21, 2019


So it's midafternoon and I'm sitting here in my housecoat (still) and swearing this is the last youtube video for the day when ...
I got a notification for my favourite youtube organizer ... a short and snappy episode on "how to get your live together" in collaboration with another youtuber who's a friend with a different organizing personality. They have teamed up to present their cases for two different disorganized states.

The revelation: my fave show host, Cassandra of the Clutterbug channel, is a self-diagnosed "Type B" who needs reminders, labeled baskets, complex organization systems and external notifications to get things done. And as I listened, I realized that I have tried 
Every. Single. Thing. 
 that she suggested and it 
Does. Not. Work.
 for me. She's a "just wing it" person.

Contrast the other organizer, Laura of the How to get your s**t together channel who is a self-confessed disorganized perfectionist who has trouble getting things started and embracing "done" is the goal, not "perfect". She claims she can "tame your inner Monica Gellar to get more stuff done." 

Not to say things haven't been improving by following the entertaining Cassandra, but Laura's philosophy might be a more effective method for me.

So ... after all this "study", I've apparently been following the wrong muse ;-)

We'll see.

Time to get dressed. Check back in a couple weeks for an update. AfterI get some other projects in the can.

Are you a Type A perfect storm?

or are you a Type B hot mess?

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